I used to work in the hospital, as a nurse. I loved my job. I worked in high-intensity emergency medicine; in the Intensive Care Unit. I worked in hospice, helping people move to the next level, pass through this life. I did a lot of very interesting things.
My job wasn’t fulfilling because it was in a framework of medicine I didn’t agree with.
I’m Dr. Keesha Ewers, and I am the owner for the Academy for Integrated Medicine Health Coach Certification Program.
I often get asked, “Why become a health coach?”
People are really looking for ways to become fulfilled, to be autonomous; to earn enough money to keep the lifestyle that they want. They also are looking for the right credentials.
If you are passionate about serving humanity, about making a difference in people’ lives, coaching them into the level of life where they will feel optimized and empowered, then you need to become a health coach.
Integrated Medicine Health Coach Certification Program. Contact us: [email protected]
My team and I will get in touch with you and talk to you about the opportunities, the money, the credentials, the community, and all the caring that you will get to do.
Dr. Keesha Ewers
PS: If you want to know more about how to show up, shine and be the spark plug that you’re meant to be, go to the Dr. Keesha Facebook (like it) https://business.facebook.com/drkeeshaewers/?business_id=1327652740648468 Comment about what your challenges and struggles are. I want to know what keeps you from showing up as your brightest, biggest, most powerful self.
Thank you for your practice. This is exactly what I’m trying to launch for my holistic wellness coaching business. I, too, am a RN, but retired 18 months ago from 35 years as a psychiatric nurse clinical educator at a local hospital. Prior, I was an Air Force nurse for 5 years. I may have retired from my job but I didn’t retire from nursing. I agree with you that there is more to health than the strict medicine focus on healing. My struggle in launching is the legal issues and how to be legally safe. I’ve heard that you have to be careful how you present your nutrition as the registered dietitian association has legal guidelines for this who are not, especially indicating which states allow or don’t allow others to create meal plans, etc. As a nurse, do I have the credentials to guide someone on a meal plan, not talking about the medical prescribed diet plans. As much as I wish I can enroll in your certification program, I have just committed to a year long business training program at guide a heaping price. I want my business to be able to do exactly what you are doing (with obvious adaptations that would make it uniquely my version). I also have a strong personal story that I can bring to the table and hopefully inspire the person to see that they too can make changes in there own individual journey to transformation that is uniquely their health story.
Hi Terrie! We have a live event here in the Seattle area June 23-25th that is under $500 that lets you walk away with a kick butt funnel, a social media strategy and a unique business plan just for your skill set and passion. PLUS my favorite attorney will be here helping all of my coaches learn how to be practicing safely. Join us!
Hello, I am actually attending a course here in Berlin, Germany, to become a heath, nutrition, and life coach. However I would like to know more about Integrative Medicine and the difference, Ayuverda makes. Also Functional Sexology sounds very interesting. I’m am personally dealing with Multiple Sclerosis, and I hope to be able to help people with aut0immune disease in the future. Thank you! Best, Sabine
Hi Sabine,
I am so happy you are going to help people with autoimmunity. The world needs more of you! Ayurveda really helps you dial in on the whole system rather than separating out mind and body and heart and spirit. Functional sexology helps you get to the root problem for people with vitality issues. There is no other program that gets so deeply into the mind, heart and spirit as ours does. This after all is where true healing is found AND the root of all issues.
Hi Keesha, I am a RN also. I retired early because I became very chemically sensitive from heavy perfume being used at work . They did not and would not implement a fragrance free policy . If I don’t find work soon I will lose my license ,since the state I am in requires working a certain number of hours to maintain licensure . Does health coaching fit the requirement for maintaining the hours needed for nursing licensure where you live?
Hi Judy,
Yes! It would anywhere because you are working as an RN health coach. Your RN license is your scope of practice. I teach all of this in my program. I would love to work with you. I love working with nurses. It gives them autonomy and the freedom to really help people beyond the “match the symptom with the drug” model of medicine (which is effective for acute care and fantastic in certain settings…but does nothing for prevention or for treating and curing chronic issues).