What You Get
Something I discovered in my own healing journey is you cannot heal completely until you address every single root cause.
Those root causes are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and hidden in your story.
I call this Mystic Medicine because we are revealing what you have hidden from yourself.
I was able to reverse breast cancer, skin cancer, and autoimmune disease without any surgery, chemicals, or radiation. That’s because I addressed my leaky gut, past childhood trauma, genetics, energetic blockages, and the build-up of toxins in my body.
In my practice we use a combination of:
Ayurvedic Medicine • Functional Medicine • Psychotherapy • Energy Medicine
Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda, the 10,000 year old sister science of yoga, tells us that we are more than just our physical body. In fact, we are physical, energy, emotional/mental, wisdom and bliss (the portal to the collective human unconsciousness).
Ayurveda also tells us we are not all the same. You have your own unique dosha combination. Want to know yours? Take the dosha self-assessment.
Energy Medicine
Modern technology has a beautiful way of scanning all five of your layers and your dosha balance. It’s called bio-energetic scanning.

Do you have a "mystery illness?"
Would you like the case of your missing energy, weight issues, thyroid disease, hormone imbalance, mood problems, body pain, digestive dysfunction, joint inflammation, memory loss, heart disease, lack of sex drive and vitality solved?
Your body is a superhighway of information that flows from your cells to your organs and sustains your life, allows your innate body wisdom to heal itself and your tissues to regenerate. When that superhighway gets blocked and the energy flow stops you begin to notice symptoms and discomfort.
You have likely read and heard about every healing modality there is. You might have even tried most of them. You have a lot of choices for healing: Acupuncture, Ayurveda, herbs, supplements, functional medicine, prescription drugs, massage, therapy, meditation, yoga, chiropractic, and even energy healing. However, if all of the layers of your being are not addressed and the blockages that keep them from thriving removed, you will never completely heal.
This is what Bio-energetic scanning does. It unblocks your energy pathways. Click here to learn more about bio-energetic scanning.
Imagine what releasing your blocks could mean for your life.
Science now agrees with what ancient teachers have taught us. There are missing pieces to your health puzzle that we can now solve together. I write about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) study in my book, Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle. Your ACEs score identifies early childhood experiences and how they lead to chronic illnesses like autoimmune disease and cancer in adulthood.
We can now scan those channels of energy and map the path of your emotional and mental life, releasing areas of past hurt and current stress to unleash your vitality.