Day 5 - April 7

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Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
Healing Breast Cancer Naturally
Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as “Dr. V,” has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Field since 1979. Because of her passion for health and wellness, Dr. V undertook extensive studies in various fields of Energy Medicine. Specializing in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness.
After 30 years in active practice, she decided to “retire” and devote her time sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with Breast Cancer. Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials, a step-by-step coaching program.
Dr. V is a #1 best-selling author and has a # 1 Best Selling book on Amazon, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.

Liana Chaouli
The Image Therapist - From Drab to Masterpiece - Coming Out of the Closet
Liana Chaouli, (pronounced sha-oo-li), is the President and Founder of Image Therapists International Inc. and a globally recognized thought leader , style expert and educator. Ms. Chaouli, provides transformation through the empowerment of wardrobe. She has spent two decades consulting CEOs, celebrities, and political figures on matters of self-image. As the developer of Image Therapy™, she works closely with her clients on their personal and professional presence using analysis, physical appearance, and education to adjust attitudes affecting self-esteem and overall sense of worth. Her clients include Bob Mackie, The Canfield Training Group, IBM, Nordstrom's, Coldwell Banker University, Chico's, and many more.

Dr. Dan Siegel
The 9 Domains of Integration for A Healthy Mind
Dr. Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. He is also the Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute which focuses on the development of mindsight, which teaches insight, empathy, and integration in individuals, families and communities.
Dr. Siegel has published extensively for both the professional and lay audiences. His four New York Times bestsellers are: Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human, Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain, and two books with Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D: The Whole-Brain Child, and No-Drama Discipline. His other books include: The Developing Mind (2nd Ed.), Mindsight, The Mindful Brain, and The Mindful Therapist. Dr. Siegel also serves as the Founding Editor for the Norton Professional Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology which contains over fifty textbooks.

Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein
The Dirt Cure - Soil Based Food for Kids & Health
Maya Shetreat-Klein, MD is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and author of The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child (Simon and Schuster, 2016), which has been translated into ten languages. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and many more. Board certified in adult and child neurology as well as pediatrics, Dr. Maya completed the University of Arizona’s Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, and now serves on their faculty. She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers in Ecuador. In her book and her practice, she offers an integrative and spiritual approach to allow moving beyond chronic health problems in children and adults. She also founded the Terrain Institute, where she teaches Terrain Medicine™, an earth-based program for transformational healing.

Megan Buer
Harmony Restored - Motherhood, Autism and Emotional Health
As a mother to 3 children, Megan Buer struggled for years with Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, sugar addiction, food intolerances, panic, and anxiety. She went on a journey of health and discovery – spending over 10 years researching, experimenting, and finally figuring out all the unique tools she needed to naturally heal herself.
Megan shares her knowledge and healing gifts in private practice and online. She is a certified Emotion Code practitioner, Reiki healer, wellness coach, author, and blogger. Megan's mission is to take the fear and overwhelm out of health. She is passionate about simplifying your healing journey, empowering you with the tools needed for health, and get you thriving again! Megan works with clients remotely full time, educates, speaks, and writes. She is also a part of the health team at Revolution Health Center in Virginia.

Dr. Nicole Beurkens
Solving Learning, Mood, & Behavior Challenges for Children and Young Adults
A unique combination of psychologist, nutritionist, and special education teacher, Dr. Nicole Beurkens, has 20 years of experience supporting children, young adults, and families. She has specialized expertise in evaluating and treating a wide range of learning, mood, and behavior challenges including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, anxiety, mood disorders, brain injury, and other neurodevelopmental conditions. She holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology, masters degrees in Special Education and Nutrition, and is a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist. Dr. Nicole is the Founder and Director of Horizons Developmental Resource Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she leads a multidisciplinary team dedicated to exceptional evaluation and integrative treatment services, research on innovative treatment protocols, and professional training on best practices. She is a best-selling author, award-winning therapist, and published researcher. When she isn’t working, Dr. Nicole enjoys spending time with her husband and four children. She is dedicated to empowering parents with knowledge and strategies to help children reach their greatest potential. Learn more at: www.HorizonsDRC.com

Niki Gratrix
The Role of Emotional Trauma on Health Across a Lifetime
Niki is an award-winning nutritionist, mind-body expert, and health writer helping people to optimize energy. In 2005 she co-founded one of the largest mind-bod clinics in integrative medicine in the UK with patients in 35 countries where she worked as Director of Nutrition until 2010. The clinic specialized in treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, won the award for Outstanding Practice in 2009, and later published a preliminary study in 2012 on its results with patients in the British Medical Journal Open.
In August 2015 she hosted the largest ever free online health summit on overcoming fatigue interviewing 29 world leading experts on optimizing energy with over 30,000 attendees. See more at The AbundantEnergySummit. She writes regularly for a range of health magazines in both the UK and the US and speaks internationally at health conferences and has appeared on both radio and TV shows. See www.NikiGratrix.com for more info.