Day 2 - April 4


JJ Virgin
The Miracle Mindset - Reframing What's Possible
Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness Expert JJ Virgin helps clients lose weight fast by breaking free from food intolerances and crush their sugar cravings. She is author of 4 New York Times Bestsellers: JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook: 150 Low-Sugar Recipes to Help You Lose up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks, The Sugar Impact Diet: Drop 7 Hidden Sugars, Lose up to 10 Pounds, Just 2 Weeks, The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days, and The Virgin Diet Cookbook: 150 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Lose Weight and Feel Better Fast. JJ is also a frequent blogger at Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and other outlets as well as a popular guest on TV, radio, and in magazines. Learn more at www.jjvirgin.com.

Jordan Reasoner
Your Gut - The Doorway to Wellness and Health
Jordan Reasoner is a health engineer and author. He was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2007 and almost gave up hope when a gluten-free diet didn’t work. Since then, he transformed his health using the SCD Diet and started SCDLifestyle.com to help others naturally heal stomach problems.

Dr. Corey Schuler
Weighing Less Without Losing Your Sanity or Soul
Corey Schuler set out on a quest in 2003 to study various healing methods in an in-depth way. Through that quest he has become a licensed nutritionist, registered nurse, and chiropractor board-certified in nutrition and acupuncture. He earned a master’s degree in nutrition, a doctor of botanical medicine, and is a Certified Nutrition Specialist practitioner. He continues to study family practice nursing. He is the Director of Clinical Affairs for Integrative Therapeutics and has a private integrative medicine practice in Hudson, Wisconsin focusing on GI health, stress, and metabolism.
Corey is adjunct assistant professor at the School of Health Sciences and Education at New York Chiropractic College. He volunteers for the Board of Certification for Nutrition Specialists and is a member of Institute for Functional Medicine, American College of Nutrition, and American Nutrition Association. He has conducted numerous continuing education seminars, media and podcast interviews including CBS-WCCO and other radio stations, Intelligent Medicine, Underground Wellness, Five to Thrive Live, Aging but Dangerous, Rebel Health Tribe and more. He is on the board of directors for the International Probiotics Association and an advisor to Functional Medicine University. Learn more about Dr. Corey Schuler at: https://www.metabolictreatmentcenter.com/corey-schuler/

Debra Atkinson
Flipping 50 - Healthy and Abundant from Mid-Life to ALL of Life
Debra Atkinson, M.S., CSCS is Flipping 50 and the way thousands of women approach their second half. She’s the host of the Flipping 50 TV Show and the Flipping 50 podcast. As a personal trainer and wellness coach with 30 years fitness industry experience she works with women who are pro-aging with vitality and energy. She is an international fitness presenter for the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA), IDEA, and NSCA and author of hundreds of articles and four books including You Still Got It, Girl! The After 50 Fitness Formula For Women, and Navigating Fitness After 50: Your GPS For Choosing Programs and Professionals You Can Trust.
Debra is a professional speaker and member of the National Speaker’s Association. She has a fitness industry presence that includes presentations for IDEA, ICAA and NSCA and CanFitPro and authors articles for fitness industry associations IDEA, NSCA, as well as online and print women’s magazines. Debra is Subject Matter Expert for the American Council on Exercise (ACE), item writer for ACE’s Medical Exercise Specialist exam, and has served as selection committee member for IDEA’s personal training fitness award and NSCA’s Personal Training Conference planning.

Dr. Elisa Song
Holistic Health for Kids - From an MD Mom
Elisa Song, MD founded Whole Child Wellness in 2005 (which became Whole Family Wellness in 2013) with a mission to create a nurturing environment that integrates allopathic and natural medicine customized to each unique child, in order to help children thrive to their fullest potentials. Dr. Song has a special interest in providing integrative care for children with complex medical issues, including autism, ADHD, asthma, autoimmune illness, eczema, failure to thrive, food allergies/sensitivities, reflux, inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal disorders, seizures and other neurological disorders, and environmental illness.
Dr. Song created Healthy Kids Happy Kids to share what she’s learned as a holistic pediatrician and mama. You can find her advice and adventures on her blog (www.healthykidshappykids.com)

Dr. Sylva Dvorak
How to Create Rituals for Vitality in All Areas of Your Life
Dr. Sylva Dvorak is a holistic counselor, social entrepreneur, and author who maintains a private counseling practice while serving as Executive Director and Chief Inspiration Officer of the I AM Foundation.
Sylva received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and her PhD from Beurin University in Los Angeles, California. Sylva has developed programs for numerous Fortune 100-500 clients including, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Amway, Prudential, Herbalife, ARCO, HealthNet and Deloitte & Touche.
As an author, she has published numerous articles; contributed to several books, and is the co-author of the NY Times bestseller, Your Hidden Riches - Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a of Life of Meaning and Purpose (Random House, Nov. 2014).
Sylva has worked with top corporate executives, spoken at international corporate events, and spoken to audiences from health care professionals to the general public and has shared the stage with Don Miguel Ruiz, Marci Schimoff, Janet Bray Attwood, Phil Town, Mary Morrissey, and numerous others.
Sylva's commitment to help others find their personal freedom goes back to her experiences as a young child. She and her family escaped from what was then Czechoslovakia during the Soviet Union occupation and at that time she spent time in refugee camps.
Sylva lives what she teaches and is passionate about merging ancient knowledge with scientific understanding of the body and mind and how that can lead to healing and inner transformation. Learn more at: www.drsylvadvorak.com and www.iamfoundation.org.

Ajayan Borys
Meditation - I Can't Get No Satisfaction!
Ajayan has been exploring and teaching a variety of meditation practices since 1970. In the early 70’s, he spent several years studying in residence under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation Program®. For the next ten years, Ajayan taught the TM Program®. Since then he has traveled the globe continuing an impassioned exploration of consciousness and developing human potential through various meditation and yogic practices.
From 1994 to 1998 Ajayan studied with India’s most widely revered living woman saint, Mata Amritanandamayi (Ammachi, the “hugging saint”), living at her main ashram in Kerala, India, and serving as the meditation teacher there. While in India Ajayan also spent time with holy men and yogis in the Himalayas of Uttaranchal—a haven for saints throughout the ages—and researched the spiritual practices indigenous to that area. Having made a study of meditation his life, and having instructed and guided thousands in meditation in North America, Australia, Europe, and India, Ajayan has gained wide renown as a consummate meditation teacher.
Ajayan is a registered hypnotherapist in Washington state, a Reiki Master, and a certified Enneagram teacher. Ajayan Borys (aka Henry James Borys) is author of Effortless Mind: Meditate with Ease (New World Library, 2013) and numerous articles on meditation and relationships as a spiritual path. In 2010, Ajayan launched Mind Matters Radio on the Healthy You Radio Network.