The Most Empowering Event of the Year
You’re INVITED and It’s FREE When You R.S.V.P. Today
Accept our INVITATION to participate in the BEST summit for women – at NO cost.

Become a certified integrative medicine health coach in 6 months, all on-line.

Get Cutting-Edge Health Information, from Head to Soul.
Discover the PATHWAY to more success (and LESS stress).
Make a DECISION to join a global community of women who are ending fatigue, overwhelm, low libido, shame, anxiety and isolation and trading it in for VITALITY, joy, passion, support, peace of mind, healthy minds, great libido, self care, empowered families and pure inspiration.
This 7-Day Summit gathers over FORTY global speakers and leaders who freely share their inspired ideas and step-by-step info on everything from meditation to gut health, from menopause to detox, from thyroid health to weight loss, from beating autoimmune disease to beating breast cancer, from men’s sexual health to women’s sexual health, from immunity to neurobiology, and from healthy kids to healthy relationships.
WELCOME to The Women’s Vitality Summit
For 7 days, April 3-9, you can access these amazing sessions from ANYWHERE in the world. This is the highest quality, information filled, power-packed event ever put together to explore what women REALLY need to create the next best chapter of their lives, body and soul.

Be inspired by an unprecedented lineup of leaders, such as JJ Virgin, Dr. Keesha Ewers …and so many more!
They’ll share their best info, personal stories—and lessons learned along the way.
Surround yourself with more than 40 savvy thought leaders with diverse insights and passions, who offer candid conversation, provocative thinking, innovative health ideas, and workable solutions for your soul and your life!
They’ll have you energized and empowered to build a thriving life from head to toe, starting the moment you register.
Bask in the most powerful knowledge available on strengthening your body, mind, heart, and spirit at NO cost. Your most-pressing challenges and roadblocks are addressed by these uber-successful mentors and leaders – who are here to give you practical advice, feasible solutions, and innovative ideas on how to live the vitality filled life YOU want.
Discover cutting-edge resources and how-to strategies for your success and less stress when you join thousands of others like you to participate in the best online training and masterclasses for women worldwide – all at NO cost!
- Finally you can end fatigue, overwhelm, low libido, shame, anxiety and isolation when you trade them in for victory over victimhood and life-long VITALITY!
- Finally find joy, peace of mind, support and caring friends and family.
- Finally possess the self-esteem, self-confidence, and the sassy self-care you want to be reborn with all the desire and romance you’ve dreamed of – all enriched with the potent passion and power of pure inspiration.
RSVP Now for The Women’s Vitality Summit and It’s FREE!

Day 1
- Dr. Tom O’Bryan: The Autoimmune Fix - How Medicine Has Betrayed You
- Razi Berry: Reconnecting to Yourself and to Nature for Healing
- Amy Medling: Healing PCOS to go from Pain Energy to Diva Energy
- Lucia Griesbach: Empowered Children, Empowered Mommies, Empowered Planet
- Bridgit Danner: Bringing Vitality Back to Women in Pre-Menopause and Menopause
- Dr. Deanna Minich: From Color to Chakras and Food to Mindfulness

Day 2
- JJ Virgin: The Miracle Mindset - Reframing What's Possible
- Jordan Reasoner: Your Gut - The Doorway to Wellness and Health
- Dr. Corey Schuler: Weighing Less Without Losing Your Sanity or Soul
- Debra Atkinson: Flipping 50 - Healthy and Abundant from Mid-Life to ALL of Life
- Dr. Elisa Song: Holistic Health for Kids - From an MD Mom
- Dr. Sylva Dvorak: How to Create Rituals for Vitality in All Areas of Your Life
- Ajayan Borys: Meditation - I Can't Get No Satisfaction!

Day 3
- Dr. Keesha Ewers: Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle
- Tricia Greaves Nelson: Healing Your Hunger - Ending Emotional Eating
- Trish Moran Ward: Special Needs Kids - Sanity, Motherhood and How To Get There
- Dr. Veronica Anderson: The Medical Intuitive Is In!
- Dr. Gabrielle Pelicci: Redefining Beauty - A Model's Journey from Starving to Mentor
- Katana Abbott: Financial Freedom for Fems!
- Dr. Eric Grasser: An Ayurvedic Approach to Women’s Hormones

Day 4
- Dr. Peter Osborne: Pain in the Grain
- Debora Wayne: Why Do I Still Hurt - Is a Pain Free Life Possible?
- Erin Knight: No More Migraines - Clearing Your Head
- Jennifer Fugo: Gluten Free School - Your Hall Pass to Easy Health
- Heather and Damian Dubé: From Autoimmune Disease to Vibrant Body, Energy and Health
- Dr. Joan Rosenberg: A TEDx Speaker Shares the Gifted Wisdom of Unpleasant Feelings
- Wendy Silvers: Motherhood as Sacred Activism

Day 5
- Dr. Véronique Desaulniers: Healing Breast Cancer Naturally
- Liana Chaouli: The Image Therapist - From Drab to Masterpiece - Coming Out of the Closet
- Dr. Dan Siegel: The 9 Domains of Integration for A Healthy Mind
- Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein: The Dirt Cure - Soil Based Food for Kids & Health
- Megan Buer: Harmony Restored - Motherhood, Autism and Emotional Health
- Dr. Nicole Beurkens: Solving Learning, Mood, & Behavior Challenges for Children and Young Adults
- Niki Gratrix: The Role of Emotional Trauma on Health Across a Lifetime

Day 6
- Rachel Holmes: Fun, Funky Movement - Exercise to Restore Booty and Beauty
- Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo: Creating Vibrant Health One Bite At A Time
- Robin Nielsen: You've Got The Magic - Aging Backwards
- Dr. Robyn Benson: Healthy Living in Electri-fried Times
- Dr. Sachin Patel: The Doctor of the Future…is YOU!
- Dr. Shawn Tassone: Spiritual Pregnancy and Reversing Hormone Imbalances Naturally
- Dr. Susanne Bennett: Power up Your Mitochondria for More Energy!

Day 7
- Connie Zack: The Wonder of Far Infrared Sauna in Reclaiming Vitality
- Summer Bock: Better Belly - Fermentation and Gut Health!
- Susan Levin: Autism - A Natural Approach to Unlocking Your Child
- Sherry Strong: The Sweet Freedom Vitality Solution
- Dr. Shiroko Sokitch: Chinese Medicine and The Modern Woman
- Dr. Stephanie Davis: The Skin You're In: Understanding the Gut-Immune-Skin Connection
- Wendy Myers: How to Heal and Detox your Thyroid Naturally