The shortest day of the year, the first day of winter, or Winter Solstice celebrates the power of faith. The faith we must have that the light will return. The faith we most hold that, like the sleeping seeds beneath the earth, our own seeds of creativity will once again sprout, grow, and bear fruit. This is the season to reach out to those we love and spend time in laughter, stillness, and communion. This is not the season of bustle, but the season of hibernation and rest. As the earth gently sleeps, so must we. All is in suspended animation. [Read more…] about Is Winter Solstice Impacting Your Mood Too?
Your Mood is a Sign of Your Food.
Do you find that you’re anxious a lot, to the point what I call the hamster is going on the wheel; you can’t get it to stop with your thoughts, having a hard time going to sleep because of anxiety, even panic attacks?
I’m Dr. Keesha Ewers, and I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you with that problem navigate it and move through it.
I would like to give you tips on how to affect your mood in a way that’s natural. There are a lot of things I do in my medical practice. Neurotransmitters, adrenal glands, and hormones do all kinds of things to help you balance but one thing you can do at home is to look at your food.
Remember that food equals mood always. – Tweet this!