
Three Sneaky Causes of Weight Gain (and Loss), Pain, Autoimmune Disease, Cancer, and Digestive Distress
When I was 30 years old, just before being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, I blew…
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The Toxic Business of Conception and Fertility–and How to Alleviate Birth Defect Risk
  When I was pregnant with my fourth child, I was told I had been…
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Paleo Brunch – African Shakshouka
Shakshouka (shakshoka, chakchouka, shak-shouka, shak shouka) is a dish I was served whilst traveling in…
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When it All Falls Apart
I have found myself struggling as I work to break through the latest layer of…
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Sacred Sites, Sacred Science, Sacred Self-Healing
I just returned from holiday visiting sacred sites in Scotland, England, and Wales. What drew…
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A Vision Quest and the Lightning Bolt that Rewired My Life
In September of 2017, I had the great honor to participate in a vision quest…
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