
Is Mold a Factor in Autoimmune Disease?
I get this question a lot. The short and most honest answer is, “it depends.”…
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The Spiritual Key to Unlocking the Suffering of Autoimmune Disease (and Life)
Patients often tell me they want to “go back to the body they used to…
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When You Lose Someone or Something You Love: Healthy Grieving
Healthy grieving may seem an unusual concept; yet it is a vital life skill, and…
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Healthy Cauliflower Salad Recipe
Cauliflower “Non-Potato” Salad
This month's recipe is super easy and quick and makes for a great side-dish or…
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Moving Through Menopause With Vision
Last week I had the great blessing of participating once again in a vision quest. …
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Detoxing to Reverse Autoimmune Disease
Reversing autoimmunity is possible. I did it. Hundreds of my patients have done it. And…
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