
Easy Paleo Cauliflower Crust Pesto Veggie Pizza
I love pizza night in our home. This recipe is versatile, and you can substitute…
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How Trauma Affects Your Brain and Your Behavior Patterns(and How to Change all of it)
Everyone has experienced trauma. Trauma can be experienced as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Research…
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New Year Detox Recipes to Start Your Year Off with Optimal Health and Energy
The holidays are usually a time when people indulge in foods that might not be…
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Ten Ways to Nurture Healthy Relationships in the New Year
There has been much talk in the last two years of “social distancing” instead of…
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Drain the Resentment and Reverse Your Autoimmune Disease
Resentment is the most toxic substance made by mankind. It is not formulated by a…
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Coffee and Autoimmune Disease…It’s Time to Break Up This Destructive Relationship
  Many of my patients drink one, two, three, and sometimes more cups of coffee…
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