Are you feeling truly free?
When we start talking about freedom, we want to talk about it from a level that encompasses wholeness.
Be honest with yourself… Are you truly free? Not only in your environment (as in autonomous and making choices for yourself that support your life, mission and purpose), but also are you free in your mind?
Many times we don’t recognize that the places where we don’t feel free are because they are the places that we had some trauma and then created beliefs and meanings that now in adulthood have us trapped. So I drew a little map for you.
As children we create a set of expectations that are going to go together to create our unique strategy in life to get our needs met.
We call this the Enneagram.
I love any kind of methodology that starts with where you are… and leads you down the map to where you’ll find freedom. And the Enneagram is a fantastic map for that very purpose.
What we learn via the Enneagram is our own little strategies, what triggers us, and how we process our responses to these triggers. Ultimately, how we contract, or compress these responses… leaving us feeling small, trapped, enable to move forward.
But you can learn how to become free of your limitations!
The Enneagram helps you begin to uncover these triggers (that you sometimes don’t even realize are there!) and begin the work to free yourself from them.
You CAN find true freedom by breaking free of the limitations of our beliefs and meanings and decisions you made in childhood.
We want to get underneath the root cause of everything. We want to go into the soil that the roots are getting nourishment from. What’s under all of that?
Is your soil nourishing you or is it draining you?
That’s what the Enneagram map is talking about. And so when we start talking about your OT type, this is one of those ways that we get to see what the soil is made out of, and is it nourishing you or is it draining you? And how can you break free of that? How can you find true freedom?
To help you find the freedom you desire, I put together an Enneagram class called the Autoimmune Enneagram.
From our Enneagram type, we’re going to go through a series of things like betrayal, heartbreak, trauma. Everyone goes through this in childhood because remember it’s the path from the loss of innocence to the attainment of wisdom. We all go through disappointment, and our disappointments of the past inform what we feel like in the present and our future self.
As long as we are intolerant to disappointment, then we get immune intolerance, we get leaky gut, we get all kinds of things that we get. Mass cell activation, histamine intolerance. We just become intolerant.
Instead of holding onto our disappointments… You know, keeping disappointment, intolerance and having it grow, we find oursleves going into resentment and bitterness, which is what will happen if you stay in intolerant to disappointment too long.
To move forward, we want to move into resilience by learning how to free ourselves of those child expectations that are associated with our human design and our Enneagram type.
The Enneagram map is an evolutionary map we want go through because as adults, we know that there are developmental stages in childhood. We have to learn how to tie our shoes, we have to learn how to speak, we have to learn how to play well with others. We have to learn how to brush our teeth. And we all have to learn how to self-soothe.
Eventually, many adults die not knowing how to self-soothe. It’s the same as having a binky for a child that’s crying. They turn to various debilitating, addictive activities that only cause more problems for them. These activities are not helping them evolve and grow into their optimal energy grid pattern. These self-soothing patterns do not allow them to be in their true nature. We’re living and hanging out in our negative places that we created as defense mechanisms in childhood in response to heartbreak, betrayal and trauma.
Are you ready to begin your journey to true freedom?
Are you ready to ditch all of those destructive self-soothing mechanisms that are keeping you from moving forward?
If so, I’d love to invite you to join our next Mystic Medicine Immersion Retreat in September!
It’s time to start taking care of YOU! Join us and learn the steps you need to find the freedom that is truly yours for the taking.