Exploring Forgiveness as a Healing Modality - with Dr. Keesha

Forgiveness can be tricky.  But it is vital to discovering and creating your BEST life.

Human beings can be truly polarized about forgiveness. Either you are actively working on it, or you may have taken on the role of victim, and refuse to forgive others because you view the other party as the villain and possibly not even worthy of receiving your forgiveness. 

Forgiveness can be tricky.  But it is vital to discovering and creating your BEST life.

Human beings can be truly polarized about forgiveness. Either you are actively working on it, or you may have taken on the role of victim, and refuse to forgive others because you view the other party as the villain and possibly not even worthy of receiving your forgiveness. 

The problem is that even if you bear no responsibility for whatever happened, you still bear the burden from the fallout. 

The truth is this: forgiveness is really not about the other person.

Forgiveness is about removing the toxic poison of bitterness and pain from YOUR being.

Please sign up here to join me for this powerful live exploration of forgiveness. 

If you have struggled, on any level, this IS part of your healing path, I promise.

Join our LIVE call on

Wednesday, August 16th at

5pm PT / 8pm ET

© 2023 Dr. Keesha Ewers

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