Last year I wrote the book, Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle, and one of the things that I talked about in solving the autoimmune puzzle is that we are each a unique puzzle. With any chronic illness, autoimmunity included, there are four corners to each person’s puzzle. [Read more…] about Healing Leaky Boundaries™ to Heal Leaky Gut to Reverse Autoimmune Disease.
Dr. Keesha’s Massaged Kale Salad
- 2 large bunches of dinosaur kale
- 2 large avocados cut into small chunks
- 2 apples diced
- ½ purple onion finely sliced
- 2 lemons juiced
- ½ cup organic olive oil
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 4 tsp raw honey
- 2 large bunches of fresh basil
- Ground pepper to taste
- 2 cups raw pumpkin seeds
Back to School Autoimmune Eating Made Easy
I get patients in my practice who are frustrated with the limitations their autoimmune disease and leaky gut has placed on their dietary choices. I always feel nothing but compassion for these frustrated patients of mine. Navigating the dietary changes necessary to reverse inflammation, hormone imbalances, digestive issues, chronic pain, and autoimmune disease can feel very overwhelming. I know I was completely frustrated and overwhelmed when I was first diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. [Read more…] about Back to School Autoimmune Eating Made Easy
Superfoods to Reverse Autoimmune Disease
First let me start with the bad news. There is no diet that will reverse your autoimmune disease or cancer or rid you of inflammation. That is, there is no one-size- fits all diet. The good news is there are some guidelines you can start with until you get more in-depth functional medicine testing done to see who is living in your gut (microbiome), how your adrenals and hormones are doing, what foods your immune system is reacting to and what your genetic pre-disposition to autoimmune disease and cancer is. [Read more…] about Superfoods to Reverse Autoimmune Disease
Reverse Autoimmune Disease with the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda
When I was 30 years old I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). I was able to reverse this painful autoimmune disease within 6 months of diagnosis because I discovered Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is the 10,000-year- old sister science of yoga. It is literally translated from Sanskrit as “science of life.” One of the teachings of Ayurveda that got me on my road from inflamed to vital was the knowledge that we are not all the same person. In fact, the different body types, or doshas, require different diets, sleep patterns, exercise regimens and they process their emotions differently. Ayurveda says autoimmune disease is undigested anger. I also learned that my dosha type was prone to holding onto weight, toxins, and emotional hurt. It was also prone to inflammation. I am a pitta-kapha dosha. So I set out to learn how to feed myself, detox myself, heal my past trauma, and became a yoga and meditation teacher. [Read more…] about Reverse Autoimmune Disease with the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda
The Ancient Science of Ayurvedic Face Mapping
Ayurveda is the 5,000-year- old sister science of yoga. Translated literally, the word Ayurveda means “science of life.” Thousands of years ago, the ancient sages, or rishis, of India knew we were not all the same person. In fact, they created an exquisite framework for determining our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual uniqueness. These constitutional types, or doshas, are known as vata, pitta and kapha. We are all born with our own unique mix of these three doshas. When they are out of balance, it will show up on your skin, in your body, and through the amount of energy you have. [Read more…] about The Ancient Science of Ayurvedic Face Mapping