Most women that are sexually active and engage in oral sex experience that niggling anxiety about their smell and taste at some point. Let’s face it, ladies, it’s true. When I first wrote this article, I got feedback from several male patients and friends that this is often true for men too. [Read more…] about Foods That Change Your Smell (and Taste) Down There.
The “4F” Knockdown Punch – Fatigued, Frazzled, Frumpy and Fat (The Fatigue Quiz)!
My name is Dr. Keesha Ewers. In my 30+ years in medicine, I have found that patients who come to see me complain most often of feeling fatigued, frazzled, frumpy, and fat. They suspect they have a hormone imbalance, sometimes they know their adrenals are in trouble, but often don’t know they are either well on their way to developing an autoimmune disease, or they already have one or more autoimmune conditions! [Read more…] about The “4F” Knockdown Punch – Fatigued, Frazzled, Frumpy and Fat (The Fatigue Quiz)!
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Quiz.
An ACE score is the total of 10 different types of abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction. The ACE quiz is by no means exhaustive, with the glaring absence of death and loss.
However, it does correlate early distressing events from childhood to chronic adult illness like an autoimmune disease.
According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, the tougher your childhood, the higher your score is likely to be, and the higher your risk for later chronic disease and even a shortened life-span. [Read more…] about The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Quiz.
NES: The Master Control System of Your Whole Being.
Could an amazingly accurate Bioenergetic Scan help you?
NES is a revolutionary 21st-century technology that allows us to see and interact with the body’s energetic fields, and then make corrections. It allows the innate intelligence of your body field to come through. NES gives a voice to the body field. [Read more…] about NES: The Master Control System of Your Whole Being.
The Flu Shot: To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate…That is the Question
This is the season when I get multiple calls and emails about how to treat and/or prevent colds and the flu. Just today I received an email asking my opinion on the flu shot and whether I recommend it. There are few subjects outside of religion and politics that polarize people like “to vaccinate or not to vaccinate.” I base my opinions on science, both time tested from ancient times like Ayurvedic Medicine, and modern evidence that is used in Functional Medicine. [Read more…] about The Flu Shot: To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate…That is the Question
Preventing and Treating Breast Cancer Naturally

I have had breast cancer. In fact, I have genetics that show I am super wired for breast cancer. Not only that but when I first tested my estrogen metabolism the lab had never seen someone who makes the kind of estrogen that causes cancer so efficiently. Because of this I am pretty tuned in to protecting my breasts. I have developed a wonderful protocol that matches my genetics and patterns of estrogen metabolism and am sharing it here with you.
[Read more…] about Preventing and Treating Breast Cancer Naturally