When I was in my 40s, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I healed it in one month without chemo, surgery, or radiation. But that’s because I knew where it had come from, why it was there, and what it was there to teach me. But I am getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning. [Read more…] about Cancer Teaches Many Lessons to Those Who are Ready to Learn Them.
Preventing and Treating Breast Cancer Naturally

I have had breast cancer. In fact, I have genetics that show I am super wired for breast cancer. Not only that but when I first tested my estrogen metabolism the lab had never seen someone who makes the kind of estrogen that causes cancer so efficiently. Because of this I am pretty tuned in to protecting my breasts. I have developed a wonderful protocol that matches my genetics and patterns of estrogen metabolism and am sharing it here with you.
[Read more…] about Preventing and Treating Breast Cancer Naturally
Dr. Keesha’s Massaged Kale Salad
- 2 large bunches of dinosaur kale
- 2 large avocados cut into small chunks
- 2 apples diced
- ½ purple onion finely sliced
- 2 lemons juiced
- ½ cup organic olive oil
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 4 tsp raw honey
- 2 large bunches of fresh basil
- Ground pepper to taste
- 2 cups raw pumpkin seeds
Superfoods to Reverse Autoimmune Disease
First let me start with the bad news. There is no diet that will reverse your autoimmune disease or cancer or rid you of inflammation. That is, there is no one-size- fits all diet. The good news is there are some guidelines you can start with until you get more in-depth functional medicine testing done to see who is living in your gut (microbiome), how your adrenals and hormones are doing, what foods your immune system is reacting to and what your genetic pre-disposition to autoimmune disease and cancer is. [Read more…] about Superfoods to Reverse Autoimmune Disease
Where do you get your fiber from?
I often hear my patients come to me and tell me that they’re constipated. They complain that they’re having trouble losing weight. Furthermore, they’re having trouble with hormone balance. Indeed, they’re having trouble with energy.
I’m Dr. Keesha Ewers, I’ve had the privilege of being able to help thousands of people with these very problems.
A “hot tip” to resolve these situations, is fiber. This question I get over and over:
Where do you get enough fiber and how much do you need? I want you to have about 50 grams of fiber a day. [Read more…] about Where do you get your fiber from?
All Natural Sunscreen Options
We all need Vitamin D and we all need to avoid getting sunburned. Sometimes the line between these two needs can be a tough one to walk. Especially when most commercial sunscreens are toxic. Many of the chemicals that are used in makeup, body care products, and sunscreens are what are called “endocrine disruptors”. This is a fancy way of saying, “if you use these products, you run a risk of developing a toxic load of chemicals in your body that cannot be released; which can lead to severe hormone imbalances and potentially cancer”. So you see, your sunscreen choices actually can affect your libido and your health.