Autoimmune conditions affect over 50 million Americans, 80% of whom are women. In fact, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called rheumatoid arthritis when I was 30 years old. I was able to reverse it within a year using the Freedom Framework Method I now use with my patients and teach to my students in my integrative medicine health coach certification program. [Read more…] about Reverse Your Autoimmune Disease by Treating all 4 of the Root Causes!
Grounding Is Essential for Vibrant Health and Boundless Energy
I have many patients in my practice who are very intuitive and empathic. My students often ask me how they can “protect their energy.” In my younger years, I would often go home after work worn out, feeling I had given all of the energy I had to those I was caring for. That doesn’t happen any longer. Is it because I am less caring? No. Is it because I don’t let people get close to me? No. It’s because I have made some very subtle shifts that are essential for good health.
First of all, one very important shift that any human must make if they are in the position of “healer” or friend or counselor or intuitive or energy worker, etc. is that you are NOT healing another person. You are not the healer. Your energy is not doing the healing. Every single person has their own ability to heal. They also have places that are blocked within them that are preventing flow of energy if they are sick. These moments of pain, suffering, physical breakdown, emotional spiraling, mental blocking and spiritual angst are part of the path of life. They are not to be fixed, rescued, masked, numbed out, unplugged from or otherwise ignored. They are catalysts for real expansion of consciousness, for actual growth, for waking up from the slumber of the un-awakened state of humanity. [Read more…] about Grounding Is Essential for Vibrant Health and Boundless Energy
Are Your Beliefs About Hydration Wrong?
I recently interviewed Dr. Gerald Pollack for my radio show (Healthy YOU! Radio) for the fourth time in the last 6 years. I am fascinated by his work. He’s a professor at the University of Washington and has been experimenting on water for most of his career.
Several years ago, he and his team discovered a “fourth phase” of water. In elementary school, we all learned that water comes in 3 phases: vapor, liquid, and solid. We also learned our bodies are made up of primarily (more than 90%) water. Thus, we are encouraged to hydrate. It turns out this is incomplete information.
The fourth way water manifests in this world Dr. Pollack calls EZ water. EZ stands for exclusion zone. [Read more…] about Are Your Beliefs About Hydration Wrong?
Abhyanga, or Self-Massage with Oil: An Ancient Ayurvedic practice.
Abhyanga, or Self-Massage with oil is an ancient Ayurvedic practice. It is believed that the effects of Abhyanga are similar to those received when one is saturated with love.
Daily Abyanga restores the balance of the doshas and enhances well-being and longevity. – Tweet this!
[Read more…] about Abhyanga, or Self-Massage with Oil: An Ancient Ayurvedic practice.
Paleo Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Recipe
As you may have noticed from social media, my blog, my recipe books, my book, etc., etc., I usually eat Paleo!
Paleo means NO dairy, grains (gluten), refined sugar, legumes, refined vegetable oils, potatoes, and processed foods. I know that sounds like a lot, but what’s left over is food that’s (generally) really nutritious and great for our bodies – grass-fed meats, fish/seafood, fresh fruit and veggies, eggs, nuts and seeds, and healthful oils.
Now, you will always hear me say that not one lifestyle or one diet fits all – not even Paleo – BUT if you are having food, weight, or health issues, Paleo might be a good place for you to start!
Dr. Keesha’s Paleo Oven French Toast Recipe

My father has had Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia since 2004. Despite receiving chemotherapy, he came to visit me last week with bruises and muscle pain. He told me that every night for the last two years he wakes up 7 times a night with muscle pains! That must just be terrible, I thought!
Within 24 hours of staying with me, he slept through the night – no muscle pains. Why? Because I made all his food gluten-, dairy-, and refined-sugar-free. He was no longer in pain because his body wasn’t reacting to foods it can’t process properly! [Read more…] about Dr. Keesha’s Paleo Oven French Toast Recipe