Dr. Keesha's Books

Praise for The Quick & Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook
Holy Moley! I LOVE your The Quick and Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook! While I haven't read every page, I love all that I see you've included, and can't wait to get my hands on a hard copy to pour over 
Here are photos of the chocolate chocolate chip muffins, which were so easy!!! I was easily able to make a half batch when I saw I only had 2 eggs, and my little guy loves walnuts so subbed them for the chips. They were a hit with these 4 little boys at the beach who devoured your muffins with such relish!
The Quick and Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook is exactly what busy moms like me need! It only includes ingredients that I know supports my family’s health (and don’t trigger reactions like rashes, temper-tantrums and tummy troubles). Gluten free, sugar free, and tons of dairy free options, to easily and deliciously feed your family without feeding inflammation and autoimmunity.
Sounds amazing, right? It IS!
With just 7 kinds of ingredients, simple to follow recipes and easy “make it yours” suggestions, I can whip up the perfect nourishing meal, snack, or dessert in no time with no stress.
Dr. Keesha’s Quick and Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook is special because she includes everything about where autoimmune disease comes from, what makes it worse, and exactly how to heal it - in straightforward, easy-to understand language that’s totally actionable and fun to read. I love that I can sit down to “pick out a recipe” and dive into my favorite topic… how to create vibrant health!
When I’m feeling great I do great things for my family… like cook them the scrumptious meals in The Quick and Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook!
- Elissa Arnheim, Health Coach and Certified Fermentationist, Host of the Healthy Gut Happy Child Summit