This Is the Only Summit That Addresses Vitality for Women on ALL Levels … Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit.
Summit promotion ends in:
The Woman's Vitality Summit Launch Dates
- March 24 - April 2: Promote The Woman's Vitality Summit to your audience.
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Subject: [Best invite of 2017] The Woman’s Vitality Summit is back!
The upcoming Woman’s Vitality Summit LINK has been created from the first moment to the last to give you some of the most important, top-notch information to care for your life and health, body and soul, more than ever before.
It is designed to provide you with the tools to create more from life, immediately.
More self-care. More knowledge. More community. And you are invited to attend as my guest.
This is a different kind of online event, and I am thrilled to be one of the speakers. Dr. Keesha Ewers, a leader in women’s health, began this Summit last year, and thousands and thousands of women took part, redefining their health and their lives over the course of 7 days.
Bonuses! I sincerely hope you will participate and take advantage of the powerful bonuses to get you started. The Vitality Cookbook will be sent to you immediately, LINK and a few days after you register, you will have access to the private Facebook group and Dr. Keesha’s Freedom Framework workbook and relaxation recordings - one of the most powerful tools for pain (emotional and physical) and anxiety relief I have ever come across.
I hope you will set aside time each of these days to be fully present, to listen to the amazing interviews and to be part of the inspiring community that is growing up around this event.
Here’s to your BEST life!
PS: This event supported thousands of women to come together in community last year, and you are invited to join that growing circle now. Just click here to say yes and enter the woman’s leadership event of 2017. LINK
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